Introducing Kathy, Owner of Krughoff Design


A little bit about me

It’s a snowy afternoon here in Boulder, Colorado and for the last few hours I’ve been reviewing some designs that I’m putting together for a new client. I thought I’d take a little break to first thank you for coming to my new website, and secondly to wish you all the best of health in these uncertain times. Families across the country, including ours, are doing the best to make the most out of a difficult situation, and I think it is so important that right now we are here for each other. I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself and how I got started in interior design.

My family and I moved into the Front Range community in the late 90’s after spending our entire lives in the suburbs of Illinois just outside Chicago. As a young girl I was lucky enough to be surrounded by a family of artists, from my great grandmother (painter) or grandmother (artist/classical pianist) our household was endlessly being redesigned. My uncle dressed the massive Marshall Fields windows in Chicago and my very driven father was always there to teach me a good lesson or two while discussing with my mom about “why we do not paint over wallpaper!” as they arranged furniture in the living room.

After we arrived in Colorado, I mixed my time raising three boys while helping my husband Roy with his homebuilding business. Together we have built and designed many homes across Boulder and the surrounding counties, and as the kids grew older I became increasingly involved in the local design community and started taking classes in interior design, everything from sketching to color work. I grew addicted, and increasingly saw interior design as a wonderful puzzle, putting the pieces together one at a time to create something beautiful. For me, there is no better feeling than watching that smile appear on my clients faces as we solve that puzzle together.

I feel tremendous enjoyment in this career, whether it’s creating that special place or simply taking a look at a new drapery or rug, I’m really excited to see what I can do to help you. Now more than ever I wish you the best of health and look forward to working with you.

Kathryn Ivy Krughoff

Owner, Krughoff Design